semiotics of error messages and questioning of new media art as to be lost in archiving,the bias against it as a visual medium and the fetish of the new

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ÿ GetCommandLineA GetProcAddress ë GetModuleHandleA 7GetVersion dInitializeCriticalSection D DeleteCriticalSection O EnterCriticalSection wL

Ÿ GetCommandLineA GetProcAddress ë GetModuleHandleA 7GetVersion dInitializeCriticalSection D DeleteCriticalSection O EnterCriticalSection wLeaveCriticalSection b ExitProcess á GetLastError ƒ FlushFileBuffers OWriteFile SHeapAlloc YHeapFree TerminateProcess Ä GetCurrentProcess Ç GetCurrentThreadId "TlsSetValue TlsAlloc TlsFree ýSetLastError !TlsGetValue UHeapCreate WHeapDestroy úSetHandleCount Ü GetFileType GetStdHandle GetStartupInfoA é GetModuleFileNameA ˜ GetCPInfo ’ GetACP ö GetOEMCP ‹ FreeEnvironmentStringsA ?MultiByteToWideChar Ð GetEnvironmentStrings Œ FreeEnvironmentStringsW Ò GetEnvironmentStringsW BWideCharToMultiByte SetStdHandle øSetFilePointer  CloseHandle + CreateFileA xLoadLibraryA ïSetEndOfFile ?ReadFile GetStringTypeA GetStringTypeW ã GetLocaleInfoA ä GetLocaleInfoW uLCMapStringA vLCMapStringW KERNEL32.dll "3Z4    ? "3Z4   0 ? "3Z4   H `0 Ø Ø4 V S _ V E R S I O N _ I N F O ?ïþ      ? $  T r a n s l a t i o n ?

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